HPV vaccination is available at our Medical practices, Lorlebergplatz and Marktplatz. Just call us for further information or book your appointment today!
Online booking is available on our website.
English speaking patients:
Bavaria is a high-risk-area for tick bites and ESME (= FSME, Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis)
FSME / "Zecke" / "ticks"
For your own safety, get your ESME (FSME) vaccination against the ticks. Its coverd by your statutory health insurance!
For initial immunization you need 3 shots (0, 1 – 3 month, 6 – 12 month). We are happy to schedule your vaccination appointments today! Make an appointment online https://hausarzt-koch-lehner.de/termin/ or call 09131209454 (Marktplatz) or 0913121617 (Lorlebergplatz)